Frequently Asked Questions
How far is Syros from Athens?
Syros is in the Cycaldic islands, near to Mykonos, Paros, and Delos. 
You can reach syros by ferry from Piraeus or by plane from Athens airport.
See the About Syros page for more information.
How do I get to Syros from the Aiport?
See the information on the About Syros page.
What is the best way to get to Athens from the US?
At the time of checking, Delta and Olympic airlines make direct flights from New York to Athens.
Many airlines fly to Europe and from any european city you can make a connection to Athens. Our favorite connections are the Delta flight from JFK to Athens, or Lufthansa from Portland Oregon to Frankfurt, then Athens. Olympic airlines also offers direct flights from New York. You can often find cheaper routes with more stops but be aware that more stops means more chances for missed connections! We have had bad luck with KLM through Amsterdam. If possible, leave yourself more than an hour rather than the bare legal minimum. We like sidestep.com for travel arrangements. 
What is high season?
July and August are considered high season, June and September are mid season, and low season is all other months. Traveling during shoulder season, May and October, is less busy with slightly cooler temperatures. Note that some restaurants and tourist services close outside the high season. 
What do I need to provide to make a booking?
We require a major credit card to hold your reservation or payment of your deposit by check or direct transfer.
What if I need to change my plans?
Let us know as soon as possible. We will do our best to accommodate you if a change is required to your dates of arrival or departure. See our refund policy here.
Car Rentals on Syros
A rental car is a wonderful way to explore Syros’Äô many small towns and beaches. Let us know if you would like a rental car and we can arrange a discounted rate for you. There is also a round island bus that goes every half to one hour that is five minutes walk from the villa. Syros.htmlSyros.htmlshapeimage_3_link_0shapeimage_3_link_1
Names: Syros
Closest International Airport: Athens (ATH), with flights to Syros (JSY)
Language: Greek and English widely spoken
Currency: Euro
Drive: On the right
Travel tip: Book early: Syros is fast becoming a very popular travel destination for Greek’Äôs and international tourists